64) Compatibility of Acronis True Image with Windows Vista BitLocker
You back up the system partition encrypted with BitLocker;
After you restore the image of the system partition, Windows Vista boots to the login screen, but fails to proceed further.
Acronis True Image restores the data in the unencrypted state while the system is still aligned towards using the encryption drivers. This prevents it from detecting certain critical files properly and thus does not allow the system to log in.
Creating a sector-by-sector image from Acronis Rescue Media and then restoring it will let you have a bootable system.
65) Compatibility of Acronis True Image with ScriptLogic Desktop Authority
Desktop Authority Remote Management Console freezes and is not functional if it is run on the same machine where there is Acronis True Image installed.
Desktop Agents do not conflict with Acronis True Image and can co-exist safely. It is only Desktop Authority Remote Management Console that conflicts.
Not identified.
Increase IRPStackSize.
Instructions on how to perform this can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 177078
66) Compatibility of Acronis True Image with Utimaco SafeGuard Easy
Acronis True Image either cannot mount an image, when there is Utimaco SafeGuard Easy installed, or Acronis True Image hangs after mounting/unmounting an image.
Acronis True Image gives an error message saying that an image cannot be mounted if there is Utimaco SafeGuard Easy installed on the machine.
Acronis True Image mounts or unmounts an image successfully but hangs after each of these operations if there is Utimaco SafeGuard Easy installed on the machine.
Utimaco SafeGuard Easy is a securing tool and it encrypts files and folders.
Update Ultimaco SafeGuard Easy to the latest build. If this does not resolve the issue, then uninstall Utimaco SafeGuard Easy.
Information on Utimaco SafeGuard Easy can be found at http://www.utimaco.com/C12570CF0030C00A/CurrentBaseLink/W26JUFR8139CCHEEN
67) Compatibility of Acronis True Image with File Securer by Q Software
Acronis True Image inadvertently reboots the machine when run if there is File Securer installed
Acronis True Image causes spontaneous reboots when running Backup or Mount wizards if there is File Securer installed on the machine.
Conflicts with sysdrv.sys, which is a part of File Securer.
Update File Securer to the latest build. If this does not resolve the problem, then uninstall File Securer.
68) Compatibility of Acronis True Image with Kidswatch Time Control
Acronis True Image hangs when there is Kidswatch Time Control installed on the machine
If there is Kidswatch Time Control product installed on the machine, then Acronis True Image hangs when trying to back up and shows 0% progress.
Conflicts with Acronis SnapAPI drivers.
Update your copy of Acronis True Image to the latest build (Contact our support team).
You can search for the following files in Windows System Information to make sure that the issue relates to Kidswatch Time Control:
Time Control Live Update
For information on Kidswatch Time Control please visit http://www.kidswatch.com/

Acronis error codes, solutions and workarounds
(if you haven't found an error and solution check our web site in a day or two, the list is always renewed).
Note: latest versions of Acronis True Image programs have numerous fixes and overall stability improvements. Using the latest version of Acronis software fixes the issues in most cases. Check Acronis Upgrade versions from our online store.
Errors and solutions: Compatibility of Acronis True Image with Windows Vista BitLocker, ScriptLogic Desktop Authority, Utimaco SafeGuard Easy.
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